Scholars (first funding period)
The CRC 1015 Otium annually awards scholarships via the Integrated Research Training Group to PhD candidates from abroad.
The scholarship programme of the CRC 1015 Otium supports distinguished junior researchers from abroad to develop their PhD projects in the CRC’s interdisciplinary research environment. For a period of up to 12 months, the scholarship holders can work on projects that are connected to the CRC and which analyze otium and its concepts, spaces and figures from a systematic or historical perspective. The CRC awards scholarships to researchers working in Philosophy, Theology, Psychosomatic Medicine, Psychology, Sociology, Classical Philology, History of Art, English Literature, German Literature, Comparative Literary Studies, Romance Literature, Slavic Studies, and Anthropology.
During their time at the CRC they participate in the training programme offered by the Integrated Research Training Group (IRTG) as well as the discussions and activities of the CRC in general.
The CRC Scholarship Programme – Alumni (2013-2016):
Andreas Beinsteiner (05/2015 - 10/2015), University of Vienna
„Die technische Selbstgestaltung des Menschen. Zur Unabdingbarkeit einer hermeneutischen Perspektive“, S. 515-525 in Andreas Oberprantacher und Anne Siegetsleitner (Hg.): Mensch sein - Fundament, Imperativ oder Floskel? (Beiträge zum 10. internationalen Kongress der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Philosophie), Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press 2017.
„Ontoludologie: Zum medial-agonalen Charakter von Phänomenalität nach Heidegger“, S. 137-154 in Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky und Reinhold Görling: Denkweisen des Spiels. Wien: Turia + Kant 2017.
Faisal Garba (11/2013 - 10/2014), Universität of Cape Town
„African Workers in Europe“, Review of African Political Economy, September 2016
„Migration and Inequality: African Migrant Workers in Germany, India and South Africa“, In A. Lenger and F. Schumacher (eds) Understanding the Dynamics of Global Inequality: Social Exclusion, Power Shift and Structural Changes. Munich: Springer. 2015
„Maids and Masons: Class, gender and ethnicity among Migrant Workers“. Special Issue of the UNESCO Paper Series on the Social and Spatial Inclusion of International Migrants. (Forthcoming December 2017) Co- editor with Bruno Monteiro.
Sylvaine Gourdain (10/2014 - 09/2015), Université Saint-Louis Brüssel
L’Ethos de l’im-possible. Dans le sillage de Heidegger et Schelling, Paris, Hermann (Le Bel aujourd’hui), 2017.
„Das Ethos des Denkens, ein Ethos der Muße. Überlegungen im Anschluss an Heidegger und Schelling“, in Anthropologie der Theorie, hg. v. T. Jürgasch, T. Keiling, Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, in Print (2017).
„Ground, Abyss, and Primordial Ground. Heidegger in the wake of Schelling.“, in Paths in Heidegger’s later thought, hg. v. D. D'Angelo, G. Figal, T. Keiling, G. Yang, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, in Print (2017). -
“Das Unvordenkliche denken – Das un-mögliche Ethos des Denkens bei Heidegger und Schelling“, in Mensch sein: Fundament, Imperativ oder Floskel?, Beiträge zum 10. Internationalen Kongress der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Philosophie in Innsbruck, hg. v. A. Oberprantacher, A. Siegetsleitner, Innsbruck, Innsbruck University Press, 2017, S. 371-380.
„Le retrait de l’Ereignis, ouverture à l’im-possible“, in Lire les Beiträge zur Philosophie de Heidegger, hg. v. A. Schnell, Paris, Hermann, 2017, S. 179-196.
Johannes Andreas Hermes Archill Niederhauser (05/2015 - 10/2015), University of Warwick
Publications: „‘Cum Dignitate Otium‘ Cicero and Humboldt on otium.” Workshop „‘Cum Dignitate Otium‘: A Workshop on the Fine Art of Idling“ (Warwick, England), 2016.
Kate Peters (05/2015 - 04/2016), University of Florida, Gainsville
Publications: „In Excess: Mary Wollstonecraft and the Sublime Feminine Subject“, in: Muße. Ein Magazin. 1 (2017), 50-54.
- Hélder Telo (01/2014 - 10/2014), University of Lissabon
Publications: „The freedom of θεωρία and σχολή in Plato“, in: T. Jürgasch & T. Keiling (Hg.), Anthropologie der Theorie, Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2017.
- Margot Wielgus (01/2014 - 10/2014), Misericordia University
Publications:- „Solitude and Thinking: Henry David Thoreau“, in: T. Jürgasch & T. Keiling (Hg.), Anthropologie der Theorie, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2017.
- „Cultivating Gelassenheit through Thinking.“ Workshop “Heidegger on Enframing and Releasement” (Sussex, England), 2014.