Associated Members
Associated Members of the IRTG
The CRC invites PhD students working in related fields to join the IRTG as associated members. Once accepted, the associated members are welcome to participate in the CRC’s research programme and the activities of the IRTG.
Accociated Members 2017-2020 (second funding period)
Ana Palermo Kuss (starting 15.10.2017), University of Freiburg. PhD project: Analyzing the Effects of Basic Income on Time Allocation and Productivity and Comparing its Policy Process within the Brazilian and German Welfare State Orders.
Karin Parienti-Maire (starting 15.10.2017), University of Freiburg. PhD project: "Il faut cultiver notre jardin." (Voltaire) Zur 'Politik der Freundschaft' in Gemeinschaftsgärten. Eine deutsch-französische Perspektive."