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Publications of SFB


The publications of the collaborative research centre 1015 "Muße (Otiose leisure). Boundaries, Chronotopes, Practices" can be divided into three areas:
The list of publications contains monographs, edited volumes, and papers which members of the research centre have published on the subject of otium/leisure.
List of publications in FreiDok plus

The sample bibliography has been collected by the whole project and contains publications on the topic of “otium/leisure”.
Sample bibliography
The “Muße”-magazine is directed at a wider readership and is published two times each year. The topics it focuses on address important aspects from both academic research and debates in society on the topic of otium/leisure. It mainly uses journalistic forms like interviews, reports, essays or reviews. Most of the articles are written by members of the research centre. In addition, there are articles by experts from science and society.
Muße magazine…
Serial publications by the research centre:
Otium. Studien zur Theorie und Kulturgeschichte der Muße.
Benutzerspezifische Werkzeuge