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Research Areas

Research Area G: Boundaries
Subproject Title Specific Field(s) Head(s)
G1 Otium – a Cultural Transfer between East and West. Transformations of Asceticism and Monasticism
Ecclesiastical History and Patrology

Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Böhm,
Dr. des. Thomas Jürgasch,
Department of Biblical and Historical Theology

G2 vita mixta. A Clerical Concept Transformed for Lay Culture Medieval German Studies

Prof. Dr. Henrike Manuwald, Department of German Philology, Georg-August-University, Göttingen

G3 Decreeing Work, Regulating Leisure – and Otium?
Marxism and dosug in Soviet Culture
Slavic Literature and Cultural Studies, Gender Studies

Prof. Prof. h.c. Dr. Dr. h.c.
Elisabeth Cheauré
Department of Slavic Languages and Literature

G4 Leisure in Contemporary Indian Literature English Literature

Prof. Dr. Monika Fludernik, Department of English

G5 Otium and Illness – Leisure Time and Reorientation in Times of Resignation and Loss Rehabilitation Psychology and Psychotherapy

Prof. Dr. Dr. Jürgen Bengel,
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Lucius-Hoene
Department of Psychology

G6 Learning Otium? Leisure, Creativity and Deceleration in the Context of Performance Enhancement and Self-Improvement Cultural Anthropology Prof. Dr. Markus Tauschek
Institute for Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology


Research Area R: Chronotopes
Subproject Title Specific Field(s)
R1 Otium and the Experience of Immersion in Music Musicology

Dr. Anne Holzmüller-Riechers, Department of Musicology, Freiburg

R2 Urban Otium in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century.
Flânerie in German Literature
Modern German Literature

Prof. Dr. Peter Philipp Riedl,
Department of German, Freiburg

R3 Otium in the Forest: The Construction of a Concept in Past and Present Forest Sciences

Prof. Dr. Daniela Kleinschmit,
Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy, Freiburg

Prof. Dr. Uwe Eduard Schmidt,
Chair of Forest History, Freiburg

R4 Spaces of Otium: Theory, Practice and Empirical Evidence of Modern and Contemporary Architecture Art History Prof. Dr. Hans W. Hubert, Department of Art History
R5 Waiting and Expecting in Spaces of Otium: An Empirical Study on the Connection between Expectation, Atmosphere and Sense of Time Psychology PD Dr. Roland Thomaschke,
Department of Psychology, Freiburg


Research Area P: Practices
Subproject Title Specific Field(s)
P1 Experiencing Places and Moments of Otium in Contemporary European City Tourism Human geography Prof. Dr. Tim Freytag,
Institute for environmental social sciences and geography, Freiburg


P2 Worship and Otium. Religiosity in Everyday Life and the Experience of Church Services in Namibia Social and Cultural Anthropology Prof. Dr. Gregor Dobler,
Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology
P3 Otium in the hospital? A Mindfulness-Based Intervention for Resident Physicians Occupational and Consumer Psychology/ Psychology

Prof. Dr. Anja Göritz,
Department of Psychology, Freiburg

PD Dr. phil. Stefan Schmidt,
Department for Psychsomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, Freiburg



Research Area IGK
Subproject Title Head
IGK The Integrated Research Training Group

Prof. Dr. Gregor Dobler,
Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology. Freiburg

Prof. Prof. h.c. Dr. Dr. h.c.
Elisabeth Cheauré
Department of Slavic Languages and Literature, Freiburg


Research Area INF
Subproject Title Heads
INF Information Infrastructure

Dr. Antje Kellersohn,
University Library

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schneider,
University IT Services


Transfer projekt MUßEUM - Museum of Muße and literature Baden-Baden
Subproject Title Heads
Transfer projekt Transfer projekt MUßEUM - Museum of Muße and literature Baden-Baden

Prof. Prof. h.c. Dr. Dr. h.c.
Elisabeth Cheauré
Department of Slavic Languages and Literature, Freiburg

Prof. Dr. Hans W. Hubert,
Department of Art History, Freiburg

Prof. Dr. Markus Tauschek,
Institute for Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology, Freiburg

Dr. Roland Thomaschke,
Department of Psychology, Freiburg


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